Free Gestures - Wolne Gesty (book)
Not a catalogue in the classic sense, the publication collects literary texts performed by dancers (In Love With the Movement of the World by Jacob Wren, Seen and Heard in China by Mi You, Save All by Natalia Fiedorczuk-Cieślak, Nothing Left Undone by Anna Zett and Punjab by Amandeep Sandhu) and theoretical essays (Sample by Daniel Blanga Gubbay, Everyday Catastrophe of Gestures by Agnieszka Sosnowska, “Manic depression is searching my soul.” On Neoliberalism’s Dominant Structure of Feeling by Rudi Laermans).
The book was created in parallel with the exhibition and in a subjective way shows work to which the viewer usually has no access—weeks of rehearsals with performers or changes in the gallery space. The visual material consists of photos taken by the artist while working on the project.